Official Launch Virtual Event: Bridging the physical divide with digital

DAFNI Conference 2021

Virtual Event, 5 July 2021

09:00 – 16:00 BST

Following 4 years of intense development effort, we unveiled to the wider community the exciting advancements within the facility and how it will relate to and revolutionise infrastructure business and research nationwide.

We would like to share the outputs from this conference with the DAFNI community. Full details are on this page.


Welcome and introduction
DAFNI the Facility – bridging the physical and digital divide
Professor Jim Hall, Chair of the DAFNI Governance Board, University of Oxford

Keynote presentation

UKRI transforming technologies: the context in which DAFNI sits
Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, UKRI Chief Executive


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Keynote presentation

Meeting the UK’s Infrastructure investment agenda
Professor Gordon Masterton, University of Edinburgh, Deputy Convenor of UKCRIC


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The DAFNI facility: opening introduction to DAFNI
Dr Brian Matthews, DAFNI Project Lead, STFC


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DAFNI facility demonstrations
Data discovery – Alex Kemp, DAFNI, STFC

DAFNI facility demonstrations
Modelling at your fingertips – Rose Dickinson, DAFNI, STFC

DAFNI facility demonstrations
Visualisation capabilities -Tom Gowland, DAFNI, STFC

Morning session Q&A panel

Keynote presentation

Climate change modelling and DAFNI’s role in the OpenCLIM project
Kathryn Brown, Head of Adaptation at the Committee on Climate Change


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OpenCLIM project – modelling services at your fingertips
Professor Robert Nicholls, University of East Anglia


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OpenCLIM Q&A session

UKRI and Digital Twins
Mark Gaskarth, Head of Digital Twins, EPSRC


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Data Ontology for Digital Twins – supporting research and operations
Professor Liz Varga, UCL


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Digital Twin and Urban Observatories – how DAFNI is supporting the
national Digital Twin Agenda
Professor Daniel Coca, University of Sheffield


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UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment and DAFNI’s Role
Professor David Wallom, University of Oxford


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Afternoon Session Q&A Panel

Closing Remarks
Professor Jim Hall, Chair of DAFNI Governance Board

DAFNI Showcase – Speakers

For more information, click on the speakers’ names.

Ottoline Leyser
Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser  UKRI Chief Executive
UKRI Transforming Technologies: the context in which DAFNI sits
Professor Jim Hall Chair of DAFNI Governance Board, University of Oxford
DAFNI the FACILITY – Bridging the physical and digital divide
Gordon Masterton
Professor Gordon Masterton  University of Edinburgh, Deputy Convenor of UKCRIC
Meeting the UK’s infrastructure Investment Agenda
Bran Matthews
Dr Brian Matthews DAFNI Project Lead, STFC
The DAFNI Facility
Kathryn Brown
Kathryn Brown  Head of adaptation at the Committee on Climate Change (CCC)
Climate Change Modelling and DAFNI’s role in the OpenClim Project
Mark Gaskarth
Mark Gaskarth Head of Digital Twins at EPSRC 
UKRI and Digital Twins
Professor Liz Varga Head of UCL’s Infrastructure Systems Institute
Data Ontology for Digital Twins – supporting research and operations
David Whallom
Professor David Wallom University of Oxford
UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment and DAFNI’s Role
Robert Nicholls
Professor Robert Nicholls Director, Tyndall Centre, University of East Anglia
OpenCLIM – Modelling services at your fingertips
Daniel Coca
Professor Daniel Coca Head of ACSE Department,  University of Sheffield 
Digital Twin and Urban Observatories – how DAFNI is supporting the national Digital Twin Agenda
Tom Gowland
Tom Gowland DAFNI, STFC DAFNI Visualisation Capabilities
Rose Dickinson
Rose Dickinson DAFNI, STFC DAFNI Modelling service
Alex Kemp
Alex Kemp DAFNI, STFC DAFNI Data discovery
Marion Samler
Marion Samler
Partnership Manager


DAFNI Launch Event

The programme below may be subject to alteration

Time  Session
09:00 Welcome and introduction DAFNI the Facility – bridging the physical and digital divide

Professor Jim Hall, Chair of the DAFNI Governance Board, University of Oxford

09:15 Keynote Presentation UKRI Transforming Technologies: The context in which DAFNI sits

Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, UKRI Chief Executive

09:45 Meeting the UK’s Infrastructure investment agenda

Professor Gordon Masterton, University of Edinburgh, Deputy Convenor of UKCRIC

10:00 10 mins comfort break
10:10 The DAFNI Facility: Opening Introduction to DAFNI

Dr Brian Matthews, DAFNI Project Lead , STFC

10:25 DAFNI Facility Demonstration:

Data Discovery: Alex Kemp, DAFNI, STFC
Modelling at your fingertips: Rose Dickinson, DAFNI, STFC
Visualisation Capabilities: Tom Gowland, DAFNI, STFC

11:00 Q&A panel session

Chaired by Professor Jim Hall
Professor Gordon Masterton, UKCRIC
Dr Brian Matthews, DAFNI, STFC
Rose Dickinson, DAFNI, STFC
Tom Gowland, DAFNI, STFC

11:40 Introduction to the afternoon session

Professor Jim Hall, Chair of DAFNI Governance Board

11:50 Lunch Break
13:00 Welcome back and introduction to the afternoon session

Dr. Brian Matthews, DAFNI Project Lead, STFC

13:05 Keynote Presentation Climate Change Modelling and DAFNI’s role in the OpenCLIM Project

Kathryn Brown, Head of Adaptation at the Committee on Climate Change

13:25 OpenCLIM Project – Modelling services at your fingertips

Professor Robert Nicholls, University of East Anglia

13:40 Q&A Session
13:50 UKRI and Digital Twins

Mark Gaskarth, Head of Digital Twins, EPSRC

14:05 Data Ontology for Digital Twins – supporting research and operations

Professor Liz Varga, UCL

14:20 10 mins comfort break
14:30 Digital Twin and Urban Observatories – how DAFNI is supporting the national Digital Twin Agenda

Professor Daniel Coca, University of Sheffield

14:45 UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment and DAFNI’s Role

Professor David Wallom, University of Oxford

15:00 Questions and Panel session

Chaired by Professor Jim Hall

Professor Liz Varga, UCL
Professor Nik Lomax, University of Leeds
Professor Nigel Cassidy, University of Birmingham;
Professor Theo Tryfonas, University of Bristol;
Professor Stephen Hallett, Cranfield University
Professor Julien Harou, University of Manchester
Professor Simon Blainey, University of Southampton;
Professor Daniel Coca, University of Sheffield;
Dr Brian Matthews, DAFNI, STFC
Tom Gowland, DAFNI STFC

15:40 Closing Remarks

Professor Jim Hall, Chair of DAFNI Governance Board

15:50 Close of the event

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