
Carousel of key content, with numbered links to each slide:

DAFNI Programme's Centre of Excellence

The Centre is initially funded by a £4M grant from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), awarded in Spring 2023 to the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Scientific Computing to establish a national Centre of Excellence for Resilient Infrastructure Analysis, and moves DAFNI into its new phase.

DAFNI Programme's Annual Conference 2024

The DAFNI Programme’s Annual Conference will be held on Tuesday 10th September 2024 at Conference Aston, Birmingham. We hope to see you there!

Bridging the gap between academic research, data analysis and strategic infrastructure planning

The UK’s next generation platform to support the development of essential infrastructure services, revolutionising the UK’s ability to adapt to a changing climate and technological landscape.

Technical Training

The DAFNI technical team are hosting regular platform training sessions. Click below to find out more and book your space.

DAFNI Programme's Webinar Series

The DAFNI programme will be launching a monthly webinar over the lunchtime period, each month we will have a new speaker to discuss their work using the DAFNI platform. 

DAFNI Annual Conference 2024

Book now for our 2024 DAFNI conference on the 10th of September 2024! 

We are holding early bird prices up until July 2024! From August standard prices will rise from £45 to £60, student prices will rise from £20 to £30 

Our conference theme this year is ‘Working Together for Resilient Infrastructure’, including the sub-themes: 

  • Modelling for Resilient Infrastructure
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Data Sharing
  • The Impact of Digital Twins

Date: 10th September 2024
Time: 09:00 – 17:00 GMT
Location: Conference Aston, Aston University Campus, B4 7ET


Tile advertising webinar showing solar panels

DAFNI Webinar – Energy Sandpit Projects

Please come and join us for an update on our 3 energy sandpit projects!

BRINES (Building Risk-Informed redundancy for Net-zero Energy Systems) led by Dr Hannah Bloomfield from Newcastle University. The team is made up of Professor Sean Wilkinson, Newcastle University and Dr Ji-Eun Byun, University of Glasgow.

D-RES (Provision of distributed grid resilience using EVs during extreme weather events) is a collaborative project led by Dr Desen Kırlı from University of Edinburgh along with Dr Laiz Souto from University of Bristol.

ForNet (FORecasting Services for Energy NETworks) is a collaborative project led by Professor Kostas Nikolopoulos from Durham University. The team is made up of Dr Yang Lu, York St. John University and Dr Haoran Zhang, Imperial College London.

Date: 10th July 2024
Time: 12:00 – 13:00 GMT


Data & Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure

DAFNI is the National Platform to satisfy the computational needs in support of data analysis; infrastructure research; and strategic thinking for the UK’s long term planning and investment needs.

The platform will support academic research that is aiming to provide the UK with a world leading infrastructure system that is more: efficient, reliable, resilient and affordable.

It will achieve this by enabling the research community to conduct research that is able to generate new insights at a higher level of detail and accuracy than ever before.

smart motorway

The launch of the DAFNI system represents a monumental milestone in developing the UK’s Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure. With Climate change impacting our nation, it is now more important than ever to understand how we can better prepare the UK for extreme events. DAFNI will provide the UK with infrastructure data analysis and previously unseen levels of computer performance providing greater insights to inform policy decisions and therefore lead the world in our ability to prepare for these extreme events.

Prof. Jim Hall
Chair of DAFNI Governance Board


With all the latest news, events and publications discover more about DAFNI

DAFNI Newsletter, June 2024

DAFNI Newsletter, June 2024

Welcome to the DAFNI June newsletter.  Last month we held our first ‘Networkshop’ event which saw the platform users come together to understand each other's work and provide feedback to the DAFNI programme. The team has been working through the feedback and working hard to ...

DAFNI Newsletter, May 2024

DAFNI Newsletter, May 2024

Welcome to the DAFNI May newsletter.  The DAFNI Conference 2024 plans are ramping up, we are pleased to announce that this year we will be hosting an exhibition space, if this is something of interest to you, please get in contact with info@dafni.ac.uk. Our conference agenda

DAFNI Sandpit Energy Funding Announcement May 2024

DAFNI Sandpit Energy Funding Announcement May 2024

The DAFNI programme is pleased to announce that our expert external panel has awarded funding to three amazing projects: ‘BRINES’, ‘D-RES’ and 'ForNet’! All projects have a focus on resilience which relates to our latest funding from UKRI within their  ‘Building a Secure and

DAFNI Newsletter, April 2024

DAFNI Newsletter, April 2024

Welcome to the DAFNI April newsletter.  The DAFNI programme is pleased to announce that our conference theme this year is ‘Working Together for Resilient Infrastructure’, including  the sub-themes: Modelling for Resilient Infrastructure, Challenges and Opportunities to Data ...

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