Introduction to the DAFNI Champions programme
Professor Jim Hall, Chair of DAFNI’s Governance Board, said, “It’s fantastic to see the diversity of projects. Having curated models already in workflows on DAFNI and datasets with accompanying visualisations means that people in government or industry or local authorities can not only look at our results but can get their hands on what we’re doing and try it out for themselves. That’s a really compelling message.”
Watch the video message from Jim Hall welcoming and introducing the work of Champions on DAFNI.

Mr Adrian Hickford, University of Southampton
DAFNI and the transport research community
Adrian will carry out advocacy and community-based work to develop and strengthen relationships with transport bodies and researchers regionally and nationally to promote how the NISMOD transport model running on DAFNI can be applied in different areas.
Watch his video introduction. Access the slides here – The link will open a PDF document.
Find out more about Adrian’s work for DAFNI.

Dr Cristian Genes, University of Sheffield
DAFNI as a Digital Twin platform
Cristian’s focus is on demonstrating the unique, advanced technological capabilities that make DAFNI an ideal platform for collaborative development, validation and implementation of Digital Twins for large-scale complex systems.
Watch his video introduction. Access the slides here – the link will open a PDF document.
Find out more about Cristian’s work for DAFNI.

Dr Simon Jude, Cranfield University
DAFNI’s interaction with the Cranfield Living Laboratory and Urban Observatory
Simon will develop a pilot Digital Twin using DAFNI to link real-time and near real-time water quality data from Cranfield Urban Observatory and the National Water and Water Treatment Test Facility.
Watch his video introduction. Access the slides here – the link will open a PDF document.

Dr Juste Raimbault, UCL
Integrating the MATSim multi-agent transport simulation framework into DAFNI
Juste will develop the MATSim model to apply it to the current Covid crisis, using the EpiSim model to add pandemic indicators to travel indicators and to model them on DAFNI.
Watch his video introduction. Access the slides here – the link will open a PDF document.

Professor Liz Varga, UCL
Project name: Infrastructure Research Ontologies
The project includes seven work packages as outlined below and will culminate in the development of an ontology for infrastructure research, the absence of which is seen as a challenge to DAFNI’s sustainability.
Watch her video introduction. Access the slides here – the link will open a PDF document.
For more information visit the Data Ontologies webpage.

Lauren McMillan, UCL
Work package 1: different types of infrastructure research ontology
Lauren will analyse device ontology, domain ontology and estimation ontology as well as specialist ontologies from water pollution management, for example, to determine the types of ontology created for infrastructure research and the gaps across economic infrastructure sectors.
Watch her video introduction. Access the slides here – the link will open a PDF document.
Find out more about Lauren’s work for DAFNI.

Professor Stephen Hallet and Ian Trucknell, Cranfield University
Work package 2: datasets
Co-champions Stephen and Ian will focus on the 800 datasets already on the DAFNI National Infrastructure Database and identify issues such as gaps, which are the key ontologies for infrastructure research and which are peripheral.
Watch his video introduction. Access the slides here – the link will open a PDF document.

Dr Andrey Postnikov, UCL
Work package 3: industrial ontologies
Andrey will examine the relationship that industrial ontologies have with infrastructure ontologies, to determine overlaps required, key stakeholders and gaps.
Watch his video introduction. Access the slides here – the link will open a PDF document
Find out more about Andrey’s work for DAFNI .

Tom Russell, University of Oxford
Work package 4: ontologies and scale
Tom will be examining the impact of spatial and temporal scale on models and processes.
Watch his video introduction. Access the slides here – the link will open a PDF document.

Dr Luke Smith, Newcastle University
Work package 5: ontology of ontologies
Luke will tackle the area of links between the multiple infrastructure research ontologies that will be needed, and questions such as how they can help to maintain high quality infrastructure research outputs.
Watch his video introduction. Access the slides here. – the link will open a PDF document.

Dr Nik Lomax, University of Leeds
Work package 5: ontology for data visualisation
As well as providing general support across work packages, Nik will look at the ontology of the interlink between data and visualisation
Interested in collaborating with DAFNI?
If you would be interested in using DAFNI, would like to access Data on DAFNI or involve us in a new project, we would like to hear from you. Please complete your details on the contact form using the link and we will be in contact with you by email.